Ricky works with education system leaders, school networks and for- purpose organisations to develop and lead education change.

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“We partner with you”

Ricky campbell-Allen | EDCAPITAL


Our story

EdCapital is an education consultancy focused on building shared capacity to change education outcomes across a system. Founded in 2016 by Ricky Campbell-Allen, we partner with education system leaders, networks, for-purpose organisations and school leaders to cReate and lead education change for greater impact.

We do this through strategic FACILITATION, leadership development, strategy and professional learning services.

We work with clients, over extended periods of time, to partner for real change. EdCapital’s key partnerships include the Department of Education and Training Victoria, Department of Education (QLD), NSW Department of EDUCATIOn, Social Ventures Australia, the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL), Agile Schools, Learning Creates Australia and individual Schools.


Want to connect with us?

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